News and Press Releases | Preston Construction Company

Unaka Football Stadium ADA Renovations

Unaka High School Football Stadium ADA Renovations

Architect:  Beeson, Lusk & treet, Inc.                                                                                                  Location: 119 Robinson Lane Elizabethton, TN                                                            Owner: Carter County Board of Education

This renovation made the necessary changes to make the football field ADA compliant.  With the removal of old sidewalks, curbs and paving, then grading from the top of the hill to the bottom gave us the preparation needed to start working on the new ADA access.  New retaining walls, handrails, fencing and sidewalks have been added.

50th Anniversary

Preston Construction, the Johnson City-based company, owned by Richard Preston and Claudia Preston McCord is celebrating 50 years in business this year.  The company was founded in June 1967.

On August 31, 2017, they marked their anniversary with a celebration lunch at Founders Park in Johnson City, TN for their clients both past and present, their subcontractors and their employees, architects, other affiliates, friends and family.  They were able to showcase their 50 year history with old tools and photographs throughout the years.  About 200 people attended the 2 hour event.   Richard stated, “it was a humbling event to see how many “well wishers” came out to the event and supported the company.  I am excited at the direction Preston Construction is heading and we all look forward to what the future brings.  We want to sincerely thank our employees, clients and partners for the trust they have placed in Preston Construction Co. that has allowed us to continue to grow and serve you today.”

While the company’s services have expanded, their founding values of quality, integrity and hard work have remained true.  They continue to provide a caring environment for their employees and build long-term relationships with all their affiliates.  We are proud to celebrate our 50-year milestone with our employees, clients, and partners—and look forward to the next 50 years!




Johnson City East Tennessee State University Day Center


Johnson City East Tennessee State University Day Center

Architect: Reedy & Sykes Architecture and Design Location: 202 W. Fairview, Johnson City, TN Owner: State of Tennessee, Board of Regents

The project is a new construction and consists of a new metal building and brick structure to host the East Tennessee State University College of Nursing Students and the local homeless community to go to during the day to receive essential services. The facility will be 4,400 GSF and will replace the existing Johnson City Day Center. A welcome area, exam rooms, kitchen area, and showers are among the project. The expected completion is January 2018

2017 Contractor of the Year Nominee

Preston Construction was recently recognized as a national finalist for the 2017 Contractor of the Year honor by Equipment World Magazine.   They were among 12 finalists for the magazine’s prestigious award.  As a finalist the company will be featured in an upcoming issue of Equipment World Magazine.  The finalists, which were from all over the United States, were recognized and honored during a weekend event at The Wynn Las Vegas, March 10-12. Richard Preston and his wife, Holly, attended the event, where they, along with the other finalists, were interviewed by judges, event moderators, Caterpillar industry leaders and executives.  Richard was honored to be among the Contractor of the Year finalists.  “It was a humbling experience to sit in a room and field questions with some of the most gifted and well-respected contractors in the country,” he said. “I learned a great deal from listening and sharing ideas with these industry experts and look forward to staying in touch with some of the individuals I met through this experience.  “I am excited at the direction Preston Construction is heading and we all look forward to what the future brings.”  

Contractor of the Year finalists were judged on several criteria, including industry experience, commitment to safety, company management practices and references from their peers.  In order to be nominated, a company had to meet the following standards: have a least 10 years of construction company ownership experience, have annual revenues of $3 to $15 million, have a proven and excellent safety record, and represent the construction industry in a positive way.


2017 Sportsman's Youth Challenge

What an amazing day we had at our First Annual Sportsman's Youth Challenge - March 18, 2017! We partnered with TWRA to bring an event for children/grandchildren of our employees, friends and subcontractors in the Tri-Cities. We had archery, target shooting with air soft rifles, an education trailer where the kids learned about animals in TN, casting for fishing, boater safety, and each child made a turkey call. We want to thank everyone for coming out and enjoying the fun!  See more information and pictures on our Facebook page.

Snap-On Tools

Preston Construction and Snap-On in Elizabethton have teamed up on a project to build a new Development Center addition.  This facility will house a development center, training facilities for employees and restroom facilities.  Beeson, Lusk and Street are the architects for the project.   

Partnering with CMA at ETSU

Preston Construction decided on a lunch "Meet and Greet" at our job site, the new Data Center, at ETSU.  The event was great fun with over 80 people attending from construction students, subcontractors and their employees, facility maintenance at ETSU, ITS at ETSU, and the architect of the project.  

We played games like "find what is on the list" which was played as a competition.  Only two people were able to find all 5 items on their list!

We also painted with an excavator.  You definitely needed skills to do this or you punched a hole straight through your artwork.  

Overall the event was a huge success and Preston Construction hopes to continue to partner with CMA at ETSU.  

Preston Construction was proud to sponsor a lunch hosted by the Construction Management Association on October 13, 2016. Jeremy Hensley, our summer intern and President of the CMA at East Tennessee State University approached Richard Preston, President of Preston Construction with an idea to help the students in the construction program to meet the local subcontractors in the area.  Jeremy also wanted to strengthen the relationship the construction program has with contractors in the area.


Family Promise of Greater Johnson City

Family Promise of Greater Johnson City is a Non-Profit ministry with a mission to help low income families achieve lasting independence by providing shelter, food and support services.  Preston Construction bid the job to renovate a building they had purchased.  We came highly recommended and the board selected to use Preston Construction for the job.  The building will be renovated to include Admin Offices, a Day Center, a Family Moving Home area and a computer lab.  Bob Hall, Executive Director of Family Promise of Greater Johnson City, said, “We chose Preston Construction because of their professionalism, and their ease to work with.”  Juston Nunnery is the Project Manager along with summer intern, Jeremy Hensley.  Bob said, “They both are helpful and understanding of Family Promises’ needs.  Preston Construction is excited to help design, renovate the building and have future relations with Family Promise by partnering with them as they continue to grow.   

Adding the finishing touches and this job is complete!  Thank you Family Promise for allowing us to partner with you on this new facility!

Bob Hall, Executive Director at Family Promise, had this to say about the project and Preston Construction:  

"We at Family Promise of Johnson City recently renovated some offices so we could relocate our ministry to a place that was best suited for the families we serve.  We chose Preston Construction Company as our contractor.  They were not the least expensive, but they proved that you get what you pay for.  Richard and his team, specifically Juston Nunnery, were professional, honest, easy to talk and work with, and very responsive to our requests and concerns.  We have been very pleased with the partnership and are definitely pleased with the finished project.  We could not recommend any contractor or business any more highly than we do Preston Construction Company."


Hampton High School Bleachers

Preston Construction's bid was accepted by Carter County Department of Education to Renovate the Bleachers at Hampton High School Football Stadium.  ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility improvements to the bleachers.  All work will be complete for the first home football game!

7/26/16 Take a look at the new pictures showing the completed ramps, added benches, fencing, railing and fresh paint!  Hampton Bulldog fans are going to be in style with this renovated set up!  


Architect:  Beeson, Lusk and Street, Inc                 Owner:  Carter County Dept of Education

Temple Hill Elementary School

Preston Construction was awarded the bid for Temple Hill Elementary School Renovations that include but not limited to a new roof, a new gym floor, bathroom renovations, heating and air conditioning, new electrical throughout, some plumbing and a new ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) lift.   The project is expected to be complete the first week of August.  

Architect:  Beeson, Lusk & Street, Inc Owner:  Unicoi County Board of Education

"At Temple Hill Elementary School, English said a crew of 25 to 30 people have been working days, nights and weekends on a $1.1 million round of renovations. The school’s new roof is going on quickly, the old gym floor has been removed and preparations for installation of the new floor are complete.

The $1,167,400 in improvements to Temple Hill were approved by the board in late March and will also include a new heating and air conditioning system, new electric system, new wiring and more."  Johnson City Press


Ribbon Cutting/Open House at Temple Hill Elementary School




ETSU New Data Center

Preston Construction has started the new build of the Data Center at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN.  They are expecting completion to be December 2016.  The building will be approximately 5000sf.  It will be utilized to house ETSU's campuses Internet Technology Services, data, servers and tie OSP infrastructure and fiber between other buildings to this central location.  The price is 2.5 million dollars.  Preston Construction was selected through a Best Value Procurement Bidding Process. 


Architect:  Thomas Weems Architect   Owner:  Tennessee Board of Regents

First Presbyterian Ground Floor Renovations

Preston Construction has started the renovations of the ground floor of First Presbyterian Church in Johnson City, TN.  The church has not used the downstairs in recent years due to the downtown's flooding problem.  Since the city has resolved that issue the church decided to build a new youth area to help develop their youth ministry.  With the renovations the new youth area will have a coffee bar/community room and a new youth room complete with TVs, AV Booth, etc.  

Preston Construction is handling all of the electrical, drywall, windows and doorway for the project.  They hope to have the project complete before summer so the youth group can start their next chapter in their new area! 

Happy Valley Stadium Renovations

Carter County School Board granted Preston Construction the project of Happy Valley Stadium renovations.  The project will consist of new bleachers on the home side and new ramp with handicap seating on the visitors' side.  Both sides will be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.  

Work will be completed in time for their first home game!  

Renovations to Antioch Baptist Church Complete

Preston Construction was pleased to be a part of a renovation project for Antioch Baptist Church in Johnson City.  

The renovation of the existing building facilities houses a new sanctuary and vestibule, a student multipurpose room, nursery, library, and support spaces.

We were honored to be apart of their dedication services a few weeks ago.  We enjoyed working with the staff, volunteers and building committee to make this project perfect for them.  We are excited to see what God is going to do with this church and want to encourage their growth and future as they impact lives in our community.  

This project was designed by Beeson, Lusk and Street.

Boys & Girls Club to Receive Major Renovations to Outdoor Facilities

Boys Club Symbol.jpg

New construction and renovations to outdoor recreational facilities at the Boys & Girls Club of Johnson City/Washington County are now underway. 

Preston Construction has had the pleasure to work with Baker Construction Services of Bluff City, who was contracted by the City of Johnson City to perform the renovations.  One part of the project consists of newly constructed and relocated football and t-ball fields.  Preston Construction will construct a field house, support structures, and new dugouts, as well as place the bleachers for the new fields.

The project is expected to be completed by late November.  Click the links below to read articles by the Johnson City Press about the entire project:

Work Begins on ETSU Multicultural Center

Preston Construction Company has begun work on the ETSU Multicultural Center, located on the 2nd floor of the D.P. Culp University Center.  The Center, designed by Red Chair Architects in Knoxville, TN, will provide educational support programs and services for students; and programs and services related to multiculturalism, as well as encourage dialogue on diversity-related issues.

“The vision of the ETSU Multicultural Center is to positively affect lives by creating an environment that supports and sustains the affirmation, celebration and understanding of human differences and similarities,” said Interim Director Angela Claxton-Freeman.

In addition to a student lounge, the Center will house the offices of Access and Student Success and Multicultural Affairs, the Diversity Educators Program, as well as QUEST and mentoring and faculty programs.

The Multicultural Center has an expected grand opening of January 2016.  Click here to view the progress of the project.

Construction Completed on New Mammography Unit for ETSU Community Health Department

A new mammography suite has been added to the ETSU Community Health Department.  The suite is adjoined to the current x-ray and radiology department.  

Preston Construction’s work consisted of modifying and renovating the exiting medical screening rooms to accommodate new equipment, casework, and work spaces.

These renovations and modifications were made to the existing building systems and infrastructures while the Health Department was in full operation, with no interruptions to the department’s regular schedule and activities.


New Offices in Historic Building Set to be Completed Summer 2015 for Kingsport Lawyer, Mark Hanor

Work has begun on a new law office facility for Mark Hanor.  Mark’s offices are currently located in downtown Kingsport, TN.   With the need to expand into a larger space, Mark purchased a two-story building on Main Street in the historic district.  The two story build-out will include additional office spaces and conference rooms on both floors, as well as exposed brick walls, wood trim, mouldings, and hardwood floors throughout.  The interior finishes will reflect the style and feel of the surrounding downtown atmosphere.  Preston Construction is excited to be a part of this renovation for Mark and his office staff.  Work is expected to be completed in the summer of 2015. 

Renovation Completed at Kingsport City Hall

Photo by Kingsport Times-News

Photo by Kingsport Times-News

Preston Construction completed an aggressive week long renovation of Kingsport’s City Hall in early March.  This was the first phase of the city’s two-phase project to update the 60-year old building and make better use of the space. 

Renovations included an abatement of the existing flooring, re-configuring existing administration offices, new paint, floor finishes, security features, and office furniture.  

To meet the stringent deadline we utilized two superintendents and worked two shifts the entire duration of the project.  Our subcontractors were also instrumental in helping us accomplish this by providing the skilled tradesmen and expertise to accomplish each trade.   It was a pleasure working with the City of Kingsport and their staff during this project.


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